Lots of great movement over the weekend! The Wisconsin Bird Conservation Partnership posted a radar image online showing a great volume of bird movement heading into southern and central Wisconsin-how exciting to track those movements!
Our avid birders have been sending us reports of different movement throughout the week with reports of ducks in full spring plumage! A few varieties that have been mentioned to us: Redhead, Woodduck, Greater and Lesser Scaup, Ringneck, Wigeon, and Goldeneye. Be on the lookout for these dabblers and divers!
Some other sightings of note: Fox Sparrows, Tree Swallows, and Cormorant. Grackles, House Finches nest building and Chickadees excavating tree cavities. Keep an eye on the sky when you get out-you never know what will show up next!
A great resource for referral is this handy check list from the Horicon Marsh Bird Club: