FINALLY starting to feel like fall with the cooler temps at the end of the week. This weekend should be a spectacular time to visit the Horicon Marsh! Check out the USFW Waterbird Summary below for what to expect.
USFW Waterbird Survey Highlights
Fall waterbird surveys are just getting started. Between September 13 and now, dabbling ducks have been rapidly increasing in numbers. Species seen in large numbers include: blue-winged teal, green-winged teal, mallard, wigeon, pintail, shoveler, wood duck, and gadwall.
Diving ducks are few in numbers with lower water levels. Species of divers seen currently include redheads, ruddy ducks, and the occasional Hooded merganser.
Marsh birds including ring-billed gulls, coots, white pelicans, and pied-billed grebes have decreased to a few hundred of each species.
Wading birds still sighted include great egrets and blue herons.
Canada geese and sandhill cranes are still low in numbers as we are still in the stages of early migration.
A handful of shorebird sightings remain including both Greater and lesser yellow-legs and least sandpipers. A family of trumpeter swans has been visible along Hwy 49.
Best viewing areas for visitors include Highway 49 and the refuge auto tour off Hwy 49.
Check back for more updates as migration progresses!