Happy Spring! On this migration Monday we are thankful for the south winds that have been brining in new birds with every gust. Turkey vulture, Canada goose, sandhill crane and many waterfowl species have been increasing in numbers. We’ve had numerous reports of song sparrows singing, meadowlarks, short-eared owls, robins and a handful of bluebirds!
According to the International Crane Foundation, Whooping Cranes have returned to Dodge County and hopefully these federally endangered species will be choosing a location to nest in the near future! Flooded farm fields on the east side of the marsh have been holding hundreds of tundra swans as they stopover as well as some white-fronted and Ross’s geese mixed in.
Our Horicon Marsh Bird Club President, Jeff Bahls, found this unique sighting, a pair of Canada geese scoping out an old Bald Eagle nest!
What’s new in your neck of the woods?