Stories at the Marsh: Winter is Coming

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Event Series Event Series: Stories at the Marsh: Winter is Coming

November 3rd and 17th from 10am-11am

Stories at the Marsh: Winter is Coming

Have you noticed the air getting colder, the days getting shorter, and animals hurrying about? Come explore the way creatures in the wild prepare for winter.  Best for ages 10 and under.

No registration is required.  Please meet at the Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center located at N7725 Highway 28, Horicon, WI.  For additional information please contact Liz Herzmann at 920-210-9054 or

November 3rd and 17th from 10am-11am

Stories at the Marsh: Winter is Coming

Have you noticed the air getting colder, the days getting shorter, and animals hurrying about? Come explore the way creatures in the wild prepare for winter.  Best for ages 10 and under.

No registration is required.  Please meet at the Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center located at N7725 Highway 28, Horicon, WI.  For additional information please contact Liz Herzmann at 920-210-9054 or

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