Saturday, March 1: 8:00am-12:30pm
Interested in birdhouses, but don’t know where to begin? Wondering what you can do to help cavity nesting animals? Head to the Horicon Marsh Education & Visitor Center on Saturday, March 1st from 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM to bolster your nesting knowledge. Speakers will discuss popular nest boxes, such as bluebirds and wood ducks. This year we will feature, Danielle Bell as she discusses how to provide habitat and food by incorporating native plants. Come for a specific topic or stay for all three. Whatever you choose, these presentations will cover many topics to “brood” about for this upcoming nest season!
Doors will open at 8:00am so that early birds can peruse displays on cavity nesting birds, talk with DNR experts on how to attract birds to your yard or purchase your own nesting box. A schedule of speakers is as follows.
- 8:30 AM: Jeff Bahls, President of the Horicon Marsh Bird Club. Wood Ducks and How we Can Help.
Join Horicon Marsh Bird Club president, Jeff Bahls as he relays some of the lessons he has learned over the 30+ years of Wood Duck box management. The Wood Duck is Jeff’s favorite bird and it keeps him entertained about 10 months out of the year. Jeff oversees about 170 Wood duck nest boxes annually and has produced 5,834 ducklings since 2013. Those boxes also produced young of 10 other species of birds. Learn how to keep those nest boxes pro”duck”tive.
- 9:45 AM: Danielle Bell, owner of Native Roots Design: Providing for our Feathered Friends.
Birds need more than store-bought birdseed and birdbaths to thrive; they require suitable nesting sites, nutritious food, and insects to feed their young. Native plants provide these essential resources while adding beauty to your landscapes. They also support pollinators like bees and butterflies, creating a healthier, more diverse ecosystem. In this talk, we will explore how you can attract a variety of bird species to your yard using native plants. We’ll also highlight specific native plants that are crucial for providing food, shelter, and habitat for migrating and residential birds throughout the year
- 11AM: David Misterek, Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin Member.
Dave has been monitoring nearly 40 boxes at the Utica Golf Course for the last 10+ years. His program, Wings Over Winnebago, will highlight the needs of bluebirds but also dive into the importance of bluebird boxes to tree swallows in Eastern Wisconsin.
Bluebird/tree swallow or wood duck boxes are available for purchase on site. The Friends of the Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center will provide kits and fully assembled boxes for sale. Donuts and coffee will also be available for a donation during the day. Get involved or learn more in the classrooms, where there will be displays from local bird conservation organizations: Horicon Marsh Bird Club, Marsh Haven Nature Center, Wood Duck Society, Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin, Horicon NWR, Friends of Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center and Wisconsin DNR.
Free entrance event, and all ages are welcome. No registration required. For more information, call 920-387-7893 or e-mail
The Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center is located between Horicon and Mayville at N7725 Highway 28, Horicon. For a detailed list of all Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center special events, please visit the Friends of Horicon Marsh website at